• Ture Waji 'Tima'

    Ture Waji 'Tima'

    Regular price $12.50

    Sookoo Coffee, managed by Ture Waji, is renowned across the coffee world for producing exceptional Ethiopian coffees. Known affectionately as "The King of Guji," Ture's expertise spans the diverse and rich landscapes of Guji, where he has been cultivating and processing coffee for years. This lot from the Tima sub-Kebele is particularly special, marking only the second year that Sookoo has produced washed coffees. 

    The fully ripe cherries are meticulously pulped using a Penagos eco-pulper and then fermented and soaked in water for 12 hours before drying. This stunning lot of Gibirinna 74110 & Serto 74112 highlights the distinct qualities of Guji coffees and showcases Ture Waji's unparalleled skill and dedication to his craft.

    Sookoo Coffee
    Guji, Shakisso, Hangadhi
    Gibirinna 74110 & Serto 74112
    2000 - 2150 MASL
     *Roasts Tuesday, Ships the following day.