• Desvelado Decaf // Acevedo, Colombia
  • Desvelado Decaf // Acevedo, Colombia

    Desvelado Decaf // Acevedo, Colombia

    Regular price $20.00

    This lot was crafted during the Acevedo Cup, a producer competition organized by our exporting partners in Huila. Farmers from Acevedo and its surrounding hamlets contributed cherries, with only those scoring above 86 being accepted into the competition. This competition enabled producers to secure higher prices for their coffees. The decaf blend was assembled from multiple day lots of coffees from this competition. These lots were washed and dried under parabolic shade before being sent for decaffeination.

    This coffee was decaffeinated using sugarcane-derived ethyl acetate, a naturally occurring compound found in many fruits and vegetables. The decaffeination process, completed entirely within the country of origin, ensures the coffee is processed quickly, minimizing exposure to travel conditions that can degrade quality and shorten shelf life. This method preserves the coffee’s inherent character and sweetness, avoiding the defects or off-flavors often associated with decaffeinated coffees.


    This coffee is decaffeinated using Sugarcane Ethyl Acetate (EA), a natural solvent derived from fermented sugarcane, the coffee undergoes a gentle decaffeination that retains its vibrant flavors. The beans are first steamed to open its pores, then washed in an EA solution to remove caffeine. Afterward, they’re rinsed, dried, and polished, leaving a coffee that best honors its caffeinated counterpart. Utilizing this method for decaffeination not only preserves the natural character of the coffee but also minimizes degradation from transport as it utilizes locally sourced materials from Colombia, and fully conducted within Colombia.

    Various Smallholder Farms
    v. Colombia, Castillo, Caturra, Tabi
    1450 - 1750 MASL
    Sugarcane E.A.

    *Orders Roast Tuesday, ship Wednesday.  Order cutoff from same-week fulfillment is Monday at 11:59pm.